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tank support

См. также в других словарях:

  • Tank destroyer battalion (United States) — units. Over a hundred battalions were formed, of which more than half saw combat service, but the force was disbanded shortly after the end of the war.Development of the tank destroyer doctrineIn the opening offensives of the Second World War,… …   Wikipedia

  • Tank destroyer — A self propelled anti tank gun, or tank destroyer, is a type of armoured fighting vehicle designed specifically to engage enemy armor forces, and not produced for an infantry support role. Most have been traditionally defined and produced as a… …   Wikipedia

  • Tank desant — ( ru. танковый десант, tankovyy desant ) is a military combined arms tactic, where infantry soldiers ride into an attack on tanks, then dismount to fight on foot in the final phase of the assault. Desant (from fr. descente to disembark) is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Tank Man — stops the advance of a column of tanks on June 5, 1989, in Beijing. This photograph, taken by Jeff Widener of the Associated Press, became one of the most famous images of the 20th century, and an international symbol at the end of the Cold War… …   Wikipedia

  • Tank research and development — continues in many industrial countries despite the end of the Cold war. The funds involved are lower than when the United States and the Soviet Union were engaged in a massive arms race. Most of the tank design bureaus or arsenals now function… …   Wikipedia

  • Tank (Gobots) — Tank is the name of a fictional character in the Gobots toyline, and the subsequent Challenge of the GoBots cartoon. The character transformed into a futuristic tank.Challenge of the GoBotsTank is one of Cy Kill s core henchmen. His great… …   Wikipedia

  • Support — may refer to the following:* Sympathy, emotional support; * Technical support (a.k.a tech support) in computer hardware, software or electronic goods; * Support (mathematics), a kind of subset of the domain of a function; * Support (measure… …   Wikipedia

  • Tank classification — The Challenger 2 is a main battle tank Tank classification is a taxonomy of identifying either the intended role or weight class of tanks. The classification by role was used primarily during the developmental stage of the national armoured… …   Wikipedia

  • Tank — For other uses, see Tank (disambiguation). Tank A former British Arm …   Wikipedia

  • tank — tankless, adj. tanklike, adj. /tangk/, n. 1. a large receptacle, container, or structure for holding a liquid or gas: tanks for storing oil. 2. a natural or artificial pool, pond, or lake. 3. Mil. an armored, self propelled combat vehicle, armed… …   Universalium

  • Tank gun — A tank gun is the main armament of a tank. Modern tank guns are large caliber high velocity guns, capable of firing kinetic energy penetrators, high explosive anti tank rounds, and in some cases guided missiles. OverviewTank guns are a specific… …   Wikipedia

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